Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Enable and Use Pan to Browse Images in Android 4.4 Kitkat

Samsung Galaxy SIV is equipped with some motions that will help you controlling and interacting with your phone easily, one of which is pan to browse images. Enabling this motion will allow you to browse and move around the image which is zoomed in in the Gallery app, allows you to take a look at other parts of the image simply by using a single tap.

How to enable or disable pan to browse images?
Below are the steps to do so:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Tap My device tab.
  3. Scroll down to find Motions and gestures, and then tap it.
  4. Slide the ON/OFF switch next to Motion to the right to enable it.
  5. Tap Motion.
  6. Slide the ON/OFF switch next to Browse an image to the right to enable it. When you tap this option when it's enabled, you'll be presented with the following options:
    • Try it: select this option to try using pan to browse images in the short tutorial given by this phone.
    • Advanced settings: select this option to adjust the pan sensitivity.

How to use pan to browse images?
Once the pan to browse images feature is activated, now you can use this feature to scroll through the image which is zoomed in in the Gallery app by moving the device in any direction. Here are the steps to use it:
  1. Open the Gallery app.
  2. Tap an album and then tap the required image to view it.
  3. Zoom in the image by spreading two fingers apart on the screen or by tapping and holding the screen at two points and then tilt the device forwards.
  4. When the image is zoomed in, tap and hold a point on the screen and then move the device left or right to pan vertically or move the device up and down to pan horizontally.
  5. Release to stop panning.

Please note that this feature is not applicable when you use it on the image which is not zoomed in. Anyway, aside from using pan to browse image, basically you can also move around the image that is zoomed in by flicking the screen, but for me using pan to browse image is easier and simpler than flicking the screen. So, how about you? Which feature do you like best when you want to move around the image, panning to browse image or flicking the screen?

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